Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Project Life...weeks 7 & 8

If you are not familiar with Project life, it is a memory keeping system designed by Becky Higgins that is meant to document "everyday life" using pre-designed cards  (get the whole scoop HERE).  You can make it as simple or elaborate as you want.  It is meant to incorporate ephemera...bits and pieces of your life...as well.  I discovered it around Christmas and have been waiting (not so patiently) for the rest of the products to come back in stock on Amazon.

Plastics, etc are finally IN...and I was able to catch up and finally share!  I would love to hear your comments and see your pages, so if you visit, please let me know where to find you!

Week 7:
*Click the pictures to see them larger*
2 pages, no inserts

Left side:

It was Valentines week, so there are some pics documenting that, but not as many as I would have thought.  Other than that, kind of a normal week...just life!

Right side:
At this point, I am using the clementine kit plus miscellaneous stuff from my stash.  Trying not to buy much, but the plastics came back in stock (notice the FB screen shot where Becky is keeping us updated) and I went on a little buying spree....then there is my love affair with washi tape.....

  and week 8:
Received my Amazon goodies this week.  Now I am mixing Clementine and Amber PL kits.  I like the variety and color...I don't really match, just go with what feels right.  I kind of like the mish, mash look!

Left page:

Bridal fair that we participated in, culinary adventures, dance lesson and one of our favorite quick dinner places!
I try and keep it pretty simple, otherwise I am afraid I will get behind and drop the whole thing.  It took me a while to get to the point in my mind that "imperfect" pages are "perfect" because they document our life and that is the point...

Right page:

Design D page.  I tend to take most of my pictures with my phone, so I end up with lots of verticals and instagrams.  I like alternating my page protectors between designs A & D.  This page:  an outfit Lily put together, the horrible weather, gas prices (yikes!) and homework...

Thanks for visiting!  Leave a comment so I can come visit you!
Linking up to Project Life Tuesday at The Mom Creative